YOU KNOW U ARE AN ENGINEER WHEN: 1. You make elaborate timetables and plans to study but the only thing u forget to do is to start. 2. When 3-4 hours of sleep is considered to be good for health(provided u even get that much) 3. When the ‘f’ word dominates ur mouth whenever u get an assignment. 4. When ‘GOD’ becomes an indispensable source of help during time of the exams and u don’t even know or care who he is otherwise. 5. When u walk into the class and wonder “Damn, whoz dis guy teaching?? I’ve never see him before!!” 6. When u learn to say “present sir” in at least 10 different voices. 7. When u aren’t considered human if u haven’t slept once in class. 8. When u take dis note as yet another assignment and must already being feeling bored! 9. When library is used to check out grls rather than check books. 10. When u luk at a girl and all kinds of permutations and combinations and probability equations start running in ur mind, analyzing ur chances wit...