Traffic of Hyd..a detailed study..
Where do I start? There are ppl breaking rules everywhere…there are ppl breaking cars and bikes too…Some things I have observed for long, got frustrated with but don’t know how to get it out..So this is my small way of teling every1..Afterall, small beginnings lead to bigger things.. So here goes..
First of all ppl in Hyd lack a basic traffic sense, that is a perfect dampener for such a magnificent city(most aspects apart from traffic).Hyd traffic has been da worse in all da cities I have seen!(now don’t comment, this city;’s taffic is bad, Im talking abt myself).Ppl either don’t care abt their lives or abt the other’s, eitherways u r a jerk, a mindless freak if that is ur line of thinking!! People go from whichever way is convenient to them! Some bikers get on pedestals and expect u to move and give them way and swear wen u ask them where dey are going! Seriously, there are some demarcations on the road indicating signals and basic rules and regulations bt that board is either greeted wid pan-spits or it is uprooted or it is in such magnificent conditions where nothing can actually be read to say the least. And even if it was dere, there wud be very few ppl actually looking(forget abt reading) at it!
Bulls run wen dey see red but people in Hyd aren’t bulls then why do they speed up instead of slowing down wen da red-light flashes? Like they are in some kind of a race. Why can’t ppl slow down? it wud just take anoder minute or so but no, they have to go first, now da oder person watches this and tries to do the same! Blv me bad traffic starts wid da effort of just 1 idiotic individual just like 1 dirty fish dirties da whole pond!
Secondly, people act as if the road has been gifted to them by their father-in-laws or fathers maybe as the popular quotation goes “
Buses are the kings of the roads..They will go wherever dey like, they will dash whoever they want! They will go wherever dey like and they will never follow rules! They determine how u go, not u alone!
Next comes going wrong way, this is da funniest and da most irritating, u are fighting ur way in the traffic, u r tryn to juggle between cars in inch to inch traffic and u see da perfect sight, a biker ,auto fellow or car(even saw a bus once, gosh) coming wrong way.. and taking all
So how do we stop this or if not stop, control it? Made me think a lot!!!
I come up wid dis, any kind of change starts wid da individual, u start following rules! Don’t allow any kind of corruption in da RT offices(though it seems impossible, u can get