This is a lengthy article, I must warn you but it had to be. You can't fit 4 years of life into a single page but for the purpose of reading it, I shall divide it into two articles. It all started on 9th September 2009(09-09-09) as Srinivas keeps reminding us of the first day we stepped into college. The journey of my college life had begun. It's interesting how people go into their first year of college thinking they'd miss their college when they'd pass out, that they'd meet their friends years later and mull over how much fun those days were. I never had those thoughts. There were a few reasons for that but as I ventured through the same path day in-day out, as I ate the same inedible canteen food, as I gulped the same rubbery "apparently filtered" water, I started to like this place. *Le College The people weren't alien anymore, they had turned into embodied souls though it didn't help if they talked in Telugu around me. I was unf...