Its been a long time since I've written an article, looks like I've suddenly run out of ideas. Writer's block perhaps. So I thought hard about what to write next. A poem? Negative, I tried coming up with one but failed to come up with a decent sounding line. Poet's block too. So I looked for current topics, corruption came to mind but with so much being written and talked abt, no one would even want to look at what I write, let alone read it. Cricket ? By now I was so saturated with the amount of cricket I had been subjected to and with IPL here, I thought otherwise. What I write now maybe rusty and crappy so anyways bear with it.

So, finally I decided to write abt something that is so obvious in our nature, so deeply rooted and innate but we fail to perceive its need and importance. TRANSFORMATIONS. I'll keep it short and simple, and not go on for ages. So, basically I'm not talking abt physical transformations like into a devil all of a sudden or a swashbuckling movie star overnight, not even Laplace or Fourier Transformations but all the little transformations that go on within us. The Transformations in our nature, our action, our words. Transformation in our basic sense of being.

So what exactly was the reason for these transformations I thought. Looking from a personal point of view, experience was the leading force. Bitter experiences, good experiences, loss- personal or material, an aim, longings, the company u're in,deep regrets and then there are a million other things that influence us. Talking of transformations in ppl, people change, some for the better, some for the worse. Sadly, out of my experience and in today's world, most change for the worse. The change is brought not only by you alone but  even by people around you. Your company inflicts its influence majorly on you, so You can either get majorly screwed or become highly impressive depending up the presence of demotivators and motivators with you respectively!  And its really bad to see someone transform into someone vaguely irresponsible and mindless. Contrary to what I say, I have myself had some derogatory changes, some of which I'm not really proud of but then again, change is the only constant.

I'm not the person that I used to be. I may not be the person that I'm going to be. I will change, keep myself up to date with the flawed world and this wretched system around me of which I've become well and truly an integrated part. Transformation will be there, I cannot prevent it. Neither can you. We all have our changes as we go on. Life without change would be boring and meaningless. Change is what inspires us, motivates us, gives a meaning to our doings. And I welcome the change with all my heart. It will let me live and keep me going for as long as I do!

. . . . . . Peace out!


Soujanya Mandadi said…
The fact that others around us are also responsible for the change in us, is so so correct. I feel that most of the time in today's world, we tend to change because of the way people behave with us or treat us that way. So its very important to choose those people whom you want to spend your life with, because unknowingly they matter a lot in your transformation :)
Sahil Kaul said…
That is very true, I've experienced it myself.. When I was in Delhi and in company of a few morons, i had myself become a moronic zombie of sorts just like them, it was only when I moved to Hyd did I realize abt how silly I had acted back in Delhi.. So yeah, good company makes you grow in ur way of thinking and bad company has a negative impact even on ur thought process and I hope Souji that u're in the best of groups of ppl :)
Suyash said…
Stole words from my mind...!! This is exactly what so many of us have experienced and maybe will continue to experience. But the sad part is when some of these transformations are forced upon us due to, as you say, "the flawed world and the wretched system around us." Nevertheless, we can do nothing but carry on wisely and judiciously. And the best company we can offer ourselves is the presence of those friends and near and dear ones who are aware of and understand the existence of such transformations within us... 'coz they are experiencing the same themselves....
I was fittingly relieved to read this post... may be 'coz I found some company... :)
Abha said…
Hey Sahil, great post! "Change is the only constant" - Very true!! An article that will make people slightly more conscious of the changes within them...
Sahil Kaul said…
@Suyash-Thankyou :), glad to be a part of that company :P
@Abha-well that will happen if ppl read it. A few will, most won't but I'm glad some ppl might do so! :) Thanks

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