"Never miss a good fight", I had read. Catch hold of a coke, pop corn and sit there comfortably enjoying the tussle. In fact there was this ad on TV that showed two policemen who enjoyed watching two people on the road fighting it out over a car accident and the senior policemen standing there and instructing his junior to just let it be while sipping a coke like he was at peace with the world. So yeah, coming back to reality, this was just one of those days when I was late for my CAT class( FYI I'm always late due to some reason). CAT class was merely 4 odd kms away from home, a matter of about 10-15 minutes but the traffic just seems to bloody multiply when you're late and it did just that on that day. So I got into this bus numbered 49M which would get me at least till clock tower and leave me to walk another half km. The bus looked relatively full and I had no time to think of another one so in I went without another thought. Now, this happens to me every...