
Showing posts from December 23, 2014


The stage is set and the lights are on, Curious faces wait in anticipation A dusty jacket waits on the empty chair of the dressing room, In the air is a feeling of celebration The crowd looks on to the stage, waiting The stage is adorned in pretty lights, The majestic carpet hugs the floor closely It all makes for a glorious sight He sits there lost in his own deep thoughts a stellar performance is to be delivered Visualizing the evening ahead in his mind while the quandary within him quivers He’s just had another fight with his child, His partner has long left him in the past His thoughts wander between now and 10 years ago, He wonders if happiness ever does last The time is right, the call is made and he sets off, Everyone’s been waiting for him all night, He’s quite the star as he enters with the widest of smiles And the crowd cheers and thunders in delight He starts off slow and builds up the tempo as he goes People guffaw with plain joy on t...