Ever wondered who you are ? Why are u in this world ? What was the mere purpose of you being born? Why are u facing these troubles? Why the pain? Why the conditions? If you are seeking an answer, I fail to deliver cuz I'm myself in this jeopardy! Why did I come hustling to this world??? I try to find the answer but it seems like a puzzle waiting to discovered but never is!! Well basically I'm not one of those inexplicably charming of people that people are suddenly attracted to me, but then I ain't that unseemingly ugly too. I'm not the coolest of company but then I ain't that bad either! I'm not the most kind-hearted of ppl, I will not sell myself out to feed the poor, but then I'm not that unkind..I'd give him something to eat if I have smthng with me! I'm selfish when it comes to me, maybe not as selfish as ppl might make it seem but at a certain level I am, the world is like that so I have my guard up! But then if given the chance, I do go out ...