The Deal With Meditation

3 mins read. Last year, around Covid and perhaps, even slightly before it, I took a conscious call to reflect and build some habits into my routine. Mediation was one habit I'd read a great deal about - particularly the fact that it helped regenerate grey matter and also made you calmer in the process. I thought, why not? Most top leaders recommend it, our forefathers sing praises of it so why not give it a shot? Reflecting today, after a year of regular practice and as passionate as I have now become about the topic - I recommend people to try and see the benefits of meditation. While discussing with people on this topic, I have gotten some interesting questions/thoughts and my attempt below is to document these and provide my humble viewpoint. What is meditation? Wikipedia defines meditation as "a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and ach...