
Showing posts from September 15, 2013


Streams of thoughts go astray into the wilderness of the mind, Putting to rest the ill thoughts of redemption behind, A soldier fights on the frontlines, A matter of honour in a land disheveled with battle cries. Thoughts of the past wash down any anxieties he had, That faint caress of his mother, the sturdy words of his dad, The memory of his love, the joyful screams of his daughter, The friends of his past, the incessant fun and the carefree laughter. The futility of warfare strikes him while he strikes the enemies down, How ironic, he thinks, lives of many for one infamous symbolic crown. How the words of a few duplicitous men had led them to this disaster, Not a life would matter in the days that followed hereafter. He moves with steady feet albeit a heavy heart, For the thought that in such wars - at any moment, life may depart, The battle was now almost over, victory was in sight, At the cost of so many lives, he thought, something just di...