To give you a background on the whole issue, the barber shop I frequented for hair-cuts no longer exists. The building it was in, was broken down for road extension. The government has triumphed. The shop is no more. What has remained, however, is a hollow structure that shall be brought down very soon. The horror/hilarity of all the hair-cuts gone wrong and my love for Dead Poets society has resulted in this poem. Here goes: You stood there majestic on the bottle-necked road, In the stark cold, in the dry heat, even in the torrential rains did you open Gentlemen, some bearded while some with long hair frequented you, Coming out child-like was treasured by one and all. You stood there with open arms, wide doors and sharp scissors, Welcoming anyone who'd come to look more civilized, You made us wait with the odd newspaper, The pictures of beautiful women on Page 3 more than made up for the delay. We waited for you to wield your artwork on us, Ever so p...