To all my friends. There were times wen we njoyd da summer sun together, da monsoon rain, da days of fun n frolic. Those days were memorable, there was no1 stopping us, we had da things to our liking..We used to hangout together, all dose fights n all dose fun times.. Those times will never come back..I will gv u an example..I studied in FIITJEE Junior college, Saifabad..One day after all my entrance exams, I just payed FIITJEE a visit, I startd wid Prime bakers(a bakery), I remmbrd da havoc we usd to create in da shop n da shopkeeper telling us to quiten down..Da samosa shop right beside it..whr I had fights for Samosas, All of us njoyd da samosas so avidly, As I entered da complex..da footsteps wer deserted..Dese usd to be a place we occupied all da time! Da staircase came n I remmbrd da sweet memories associated with it..It was a hub of wordly discussions..evryhng right frm Political issues to cricket matches wer reviewd here! I moved up..went to my class..I felt strictly nostalgic....