What is it dat we are doing?
Exams, work, tensions, pretensions, lifestyle, partying, hooking, Is dat what is left of our lives?
Most of the time we just go with the flow and fail to find a wothy reason to live n succeed.
We just carryon like robots, dishing out all the tasks what are asked of us, n what is expected of us, where do we falter IS DA QUESTION TO PONDER OVER!! Now lets suppose a person amazing at something say painting which may not be considered an appropriate means of living at least in a country like India( Unless he is Vinci that is, lets leave aside extremes). The person wants to make a name in dis field but because of his parents like in most other cases falls back due to their apprehensions abt the field. Ends up doing a normal job, but IS HE HAPPY??
Inevitably the answer is NO!! Similarly most of us aren't! Its basically the flawed system that leads to such a fallacy in the first place! Its high time something needs to be done cuz if nothing happens for a lot of time, this will be da case n which will ultimately lead to an unhappy individual, now if that individual isnt happy with himself how will he be happy be the world?? THINK GUYS!!
Most of the time we just go with the flow and fail to find a wothy reason to live n succeed.
We just carryon like robots, dishing out all the tasks what are asked of us, n what is expected of us, where do we falter IS DA QUESTION TO PONDER OVER!! Now lets suppose a person amazing at something say painting which may not be considered an appropriate means of living at least in a country like India( Unless he is Vinci that is, lets leave aside extremes). The person wants to make a name in dis field but because of his parents like in most other cases falls back due to their apprehensions abt the field. Ends up doing a normal job, but IS HE HAPPY??
Inevitably the answer is NO!! Similarly most of us aren't! Its basically the flawed system that leads to such a fallacy in the first place! Its high time something needs to be done cuz if nothing happens for a lot of time, this will be da case n which will ultimately lead to an unhappy individual, now if that individual isnt happy with himself how will he be happy be the world?? THINK GUYS!!