The Board Rooms were gloomy, some people were sad Projects were pending, deadlines drove them mad Blood shot eyes stared at papers, to find the trace of a solution What should have been routine added to their own confusion So man prayed for an elixir, one that would broaden his frequency A potion that would the set right, the worst of inefficiencies God finally thought about the issue, concerned about his children And created a plant in the finest of his gardens Coffee is what that beloved plant was fondly named It was like coffee had the laws of optimization re-framed For some it opened eyes when they walked through the office doors For some it lent the sheer courage to learn and explore For some it relieved stress after a day's activity. For some the sugar rush surged the channel of creativity Some preferred it cold, some preferred it hot The bunch of Coffee drunks, meanwhile, was a happy lot Some had a cup, some had two, while it seemed like so...