
Showing posts from August, 2011


"Corruption has eaten into our country like a deadly virus". How many of us have actually uttered these words? How many of us have just concluded that nothing can actually happen of this country, that this corruption will one day be so common that nothing will seem different. How many of us have frowned upon the thought of the level of corruption in India? I'm one of those people who have thought on these lines and somehow concluded in my mind that nothing would happen unless people changed themselves. That nothing would happen unless we ourselves stop being a part of it. How easy is it to be a part of corruption and escape, like for example bribe the traffic policeman after violating a traffic rule and escape the headache of a court hearing. How easy is it to bribe a person at the transport office and get a licence or learner's licence in an instant. Corruption in a way has made our lives easier but at what cost? It is at the cost of disabling and crippling a cou...


Peanut butter, a boon to mankind according to me. Tastes amazing when teamed up with a few other things. So well, I tried coming up with a few recipes of my own (copyright TM). I'm not a big foodie but I love to experiment with food and create weird combinations(some taste good, and let's not talk about the others :P). I love good food, I think everyone does! Experimenting with peanut butter has been an amazing experience simply because I never expected the product to taste anywhere close to good(worth eating would be apt perhaps) but somehow it always did(not that I'm a great cook, I'm decent though :P). So, here are 3 dishes I've shared with a few of my friends, Just thought more people deserved to know. There is no limitation as to how much of what to put so the recipe can retain the mark of your own originality.. So well, starting with the PBCNB sandwich(veg) To make this, take brown bread, toast it slightly, apply normal butter on one slice and peanu...


Lonely nights and dark clouds, Flimsy glass sparkled with rain drops, 
 Holding to yourself you lay alight, There is someone who thinks within. 

 The pain you feel is not yours alone, 
 The eyes aren't as expressive as they used to be, You lay submissive with a broken heart, 
 And someone breaks from inside into a thousand more pieces. The rain lashes the far fields, 
 The lightning frays its wrath aloud, 
 The broken pieces are now beginning to hurt, And someone dies from within along. 
 The mountains beyond speak of an evil wind, One that swept away its only love, The clouds have thus moved far beyond the horizon, And someone sheds ironical tears. 

 You lay afloat this heap of misery, 
 Brought upon by unfortunate misapprehensions, You try to battle your mind in conquest, 
 And someone battles for you. You wish the agony would for once subside, And lead to peace in mind and soul, 
 That the anxiety would just disappear, ...