This is a guest post by my very worthy friend Niharika Jain. I really liked this poem and the msg behind it. Hope u like it too! :) Since the day I came to this place, Away from my people, away from my place, I discover a new me everyday, I have expanded my dimensions and taken a new way. Taking chances, trying new things, I want to know how far will I be taken by my wings. I know later I may reget it, I know there is an ugly side to it. My mind keeps warning me, There is a turmoil going on inside me. But I want to know how it feels to be free, To touch the heights of the sky and drown into the depth of the sea, To let go of everything and break free, To forget all my fears and jump into the dark sea. They say life is all about having fun, Then why do we have responsibilities on our shoulders, which weigh a ton? But I think I will make the right choice anyhow, I will find my way out somehow. In the end, I will be fine, I wil...